I believe that the space we occupy in the world, physically and spiritually, is more powerful than most of us understand and at the core of every soul is a joyful unbounded light that is the essence of that power. For it to have any effect, however, it must be nurtured and also be reflected outwardly, through our actions and our relationships with others.

Sometimes we need inspiration to find that light within and encouragement to let it shine out.  I wish to offer you the service of  BODHI LEAF -- a symbol of awakening, with the intention of helping you find your own inner wisdom.

Offering Inspired Solutions is my passion. It has been for years. One of my greatest joys is to watch another soul unfold their highest potential.

Very often we work hard on our inner self, but can't seem to sustain the energy of our efforts, I've come to realize that our surroundings have a huge impact on how we feel, so I like to combine inner work, with creating sacred spaces for our homes and places of work.

I offer spiritual and motivational counseling to inspire and guide souls seeking to find their purpose or re-ignite their passion and also offer consultation on how to manage your physical space; your office, living space, bedroom, kitchen - each of these places are a reflection of how you feel about yourself. They reinforce our unconscious thinking.  It is not about what you have in your home, as much as the thoughtfulness with which you chose an item and how you have placed it.

I can assist you in seeing what works for you and what is no longer working for you; inwardly, and outwardly.

I believe open communication is the key to achieving desired results. There are positive, Inspired Solutions to every situation and by talking together, we can find the wisdom to change your life and the World.

Inspired Solutions
"We must be the change we wish to see in the World"
                                       -- Gandhi
help you create a
Where you LIVE and
where you WORK